Thursday 17 March 2016

Day 13 .... nearly 250 miles or 400 kilometres

A very sad day as we read the news that Paul Daniels has passed away due to a brain tumour that was only diagnosed when he collapsed a few months ago.

He has amused countless millions on both TV and stage with his tricks and humour and has sadly passed away at only 77.

The fight goes on, to find a cure for these so called "inoperable tumours". In Paul's case he had recently (February, 2016) returned from hospital after they thought he had had a stroke, only to find he had less than a month to live with this tumour.

The dreadful part is that this is happening to numerous people every day of the year and yet we still do not know what causes them and how they can be treated.

So the Brain Tumour Research charity continues with its mission,

"Our vision is to find a cure for brain tumours"

But at last the Government is responding and I have just received an email that reads:

Dear Langton Wildman,

Parliament is going to debate the petition you signed – “Fund more research into brain tumours, the biggest cancer killer of under-40s”.

The debate is scheduled for 18 April 2016.

Once the debate has happened, we’ll email you a video and transcript.
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament

So please email your M.P. to ensure they will attend and support the motion for further support.

If you have yet to do so, please support my 700 kilometre ride this month in order ...

That Brain Tumour Research may fund the building of a network of experts in sustainable brain tumour research 

Just log in to

If you can share this message with anyone, I and Brain Tumour Research would be really grateful.

Many thanks


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